15 August 2012

Along we go

Touch Down. Wizard of Oz. Dark Concrete roads and deserted streets. Different. Contrast. Other world. Farthest We've ever gone. Pick up. Back to reality. hanging on the edge. what to do. intense blue sky. boiling concrete. hoovering the streets. expensive. how much!. driving out of the city. just like a trip to North Wales. lost as night sets in. A to B and nothing in between. smooth roads. dry. hot. where to camp. off-road. air conditioning. vital. beer or wine. no fridge. 10 dollar tent. swimming in the sea. the ultimate refreshment. rip tide. waves too powerful. walking. walking. how far do we drive. dry light brown dirt. deserted city streets. not old. new. team work. who's cook tonight. decisions. it's getting dark. you've taken this long to cook it, so take your time to eat it. in and out of radio reception. triple j conversation starters. walking on sand, not jogging. a bloody long way. what's for lunch.  Kookaburra keeping a watchful eye. surrounded by bush. a black shape bounds across the road in front. good times in Albany. North is South and south is North. End of the line. edge of the world. what beer's good here. how much for a cd!? the long drive back. don't break down. hunting out the music and make the effort. we don't stick out anymore. blend in. a different way of doing things. how long since we wrote in our diaries. cooking on the camp fire stove. get on with it. it's getting dark. deserted beaches.  

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